Tag: Odisha coast

A very severe cyclonic storm Titli unleashed havoc in north coastal Andhra Pradesh and south coastal Odisha on Thursday, claiming eight lives in Andhra and causing widespread destruction, officials said.....

India on Tuesday successfully conducted the night trial of the indigenously developed nuclear capable Agni-I ballistic missile off the Odisha coast.....

India on Tuesday test-fired its indigenously developed intermediate range ballistic missile Agni II from the Abdul Kalam Island off the Odisha coast.....

India on Wednesday successfully test-fired nuclear-capable medium range surface to surface missile Prithvi-II off the Odisha coast, defence sources said.....

India on Thursday successfully test-fired the endo-atmospheric Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile, which is a part of the country's ballistic missile defence (BMD) shield against a multiple target scenario.....

India on Monday successfully test fired the nuclear-capable Agni IV ballistic missile from the Abdul Kalam Island off the Odisha coast.....

The cyclonic storm Dana developed over east-central Bay of Bengal has intensified into a 'severe' cyclonic storm.....

India on Saturday test-fired the Brahmos missile with an extended range of 450 km, officials said.....